703-951-7883 info@jackiebrucker.com
Jackie Brucker - Medium

We are all in this life to be happy. God, the Universe, the All-That-Is – whatever name you give your sense of something bigger than yourself – gave us free will and choice and a roadmap to happiness in this lifetime; we just sometimes lose our way.

My path is to help you find yours.




I am a Medium who works with Universal energy to receive messages and information. While this information can come from a variety of sources, I primarily connect with Universal energy which means information comes to me, but I don’t feel compelled to name the source. I can tell based on the vibration of energy that it comes from a place of good and love, of the highest vibration.

Not every Medium connects in the same way and to the same thing. So the process and the readings we all do are different. You can learn different, but equally important things from each of us.

Living & Dying Well

Coaching focused on helping the terminally ill have peace, joy, and hope at the end of their lives.

Soul Guiding

Your soul already knows exactly where it wants to go! But sometimes we don’t always know where the path is or how to get on it. Through soul guiding, I help you hear your inner voice; the one that wants the best for you and is always trying to guide you along the journey your soul came here to take.

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Unique Challenges in 2020

Turning Uncertainty Into Opportunity

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly has created a climate where life-and-death decisions are more prominent. From constant reminders in headlines of the day, to more personal experiences with a grave illness, more now than ever we are being faced with the fragility of life.

I’m Here
For You

Maybe your soul is aching for some guidance? Feeling disconnected from the spirit world? Or perhaps you you are facing the end of your life? Whatever the case may be, Jackie is here to help you find the strength within to forge ahead on your path, just as the Universe intended.

photo by Nick Fewings
Follow Jackie

By Appointment Only


(703) 951-7883

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Every attempt will be made to answer all inquiries within 48 hours.

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